Each Thursday night (Jerusalem TIME Zone) Rabbi Bar Ami does a special prayer “A Tikun” and includes customized prayers for people who request it; for themselves or those they care for.
You can be one of them.
Many have said that they got good news, besorot tovot, after the Rabbi has prayed for them. These prayers can be in regards to any issue or a blessing you request. Rabbi does his best! And Hashem does the rest!!
Please fill out the following form to be sent directly to the RABBI :
- Input your NAME.
- Input your EMAIL so that the Rabbi can contact you back with questions if needed.
- In the SUBJECT LINE please include the FULL NAME of the person you are praying / requesting for.
- Please include the Mother`s and Father’s name of the person being prayed for. (For example: Shelli Bat Livna)
- Please give us details of your request.
***Please send Requests by Wednesday at 7PM Jerusalem Time = NOON EST (Eastern Standard Time, NY time zone) to be included on that Thursday`s Requests & Prayer.