RABBI BAR AMI • Approbations
These are only some comments from our piles of messages:
“Shalom uvracha!
I would like to thank Rabbi Bar Ami and Livna for this amazing course, as all the other courses that Rabbi gives.
I have found it very deep and interesting, covering areas of our own psyche, emotions and spirituality that enhance our own overall wellbeing as well of the people that come to us for help.
May Hashem gave you strength to continue your holly work, teaching and helping many more people.
I.C. S America”
“B”H Thank You Very much Livna, it was a privilege & honor to be in Rabbis classes a life changer & journey so deeply overwhelmed on the secrets he taught us very very much appreciate you and Rabbi. Many Brachas to you and Rabbi & your Families. B”H
P.M. California”
Received from an Holistic center in Israel:
“Kevod HaRav, your books are encyclopedia for life!! Thank you for the time that you dedicated in writing these books ”
From an educator in Israel:
“There is nothing like you Rabbi. It is my honor to be connected to you through your books. I love and appreciate with fully gratitud. Truly diamonds and milestones to healthy life. Sharing updates of you and any news with as many people as I can” .
“Hello Rabbi Ben Zion , how are you? A year ago you were In Raannana and I came to get a blessing to find my soul mate , B”H I got married … “
“My wife just gave birth to a baby girl …”
“Thank you Rabbi for your art we have a second baby in 11 months.. B”H “